Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Simple and Fast Way to Lose Weight - How to Lose 20 Pounds

Are you looking for a fast way to lose weight? Don't you hate the uncomfortable feeling of being overweight? Tired of seeing all the skinny people enjoying walking around in their silly little halter tops and bikinis with their skinny little thighs? Wouldn't you like to feel good about yourself again and be able to join everyone else at the water parks during those hot summer months instead of making excuses why you don't want to go? You're not alone, don't worry.

The good news is it's not that hard to achieve this goal and be able to lose 20 pounds and fit into those "skinny" jeans. And even if you have a goal of more than 20 pounds, that's okay. I managed to do this.

- Without much fuss at all.
- No pain.
- And no money spent for gym memberships either.

I'm simply going to go through what worked for me but remember everyone is different so you may need to change things around to fit yourself and your lifestyle and schedule. I lost an easy 20 pounds with this method about 10 years ago and the good news is it stays off as long as you continue following the plan.

What is my simple secret? I made a point to walk every day.

Now, of course, there are going to be some days you simply can't get this done. But by having the goal of walking every day, if you do miss a day here and there you really haven't missed too much. If you make your goal to walk every other day or every 3 days, and then you miss a day, you might end up going a week without walking. So I would suggest that you start out with the intention of walking each and every day. How far to walk is up to you. I don't necessarily have a goal as to how far but I go for how long. I usually walk for at least half an hour per day. The distance is about a mile and a half at the pace I walk.

I don't use ankle weights or carry any weights with me, nor do I walk so fast I'm totally out of breath. I walk at what I would call a brisk pace. Not strolling along but not jogging either. I have found this to be the pace that works best for me.

Even if you do nothing else but just walk every day you'll lose weight. It may not come off as fast as you would like but as the old fable says, slow and steady wins the race. You don't even have to change your eating habits. Of course you can, and that will speed things along, but you don't have to.

Now, if you are in a hurry, and chances are great that you probably are, you can increase the walking time or miles per day. For example, you could set a goal to walk 3 miles per day. If you stick to that goal you will lose weight, and at 3 miles per day you can do it pretty quickly.

Adjusting your eating habits is not required but as I mentioned, it will help you to lose weight faster. Nothing drastic need be done unless you want to. Just cut back a little. The combination of your walking and cutting back your eating just a bit will work wonders. I know it sounds to simplistic to be true but it really works.

Now, if you want to speed things up even a little more, you can add strength training to your regimen. I found that if I worked out with some strength training on my Total Gym at home, it really helped take the weight off fast. The reason for that is you are building muscle, which helps to speed fat loss. So if you have access to something like that to use, try adding in some muscle building exercises to help you reach your goal faster.

That's all there is to it, a very simple and fast way to lose weight. So if you have been wondering how to lose those extra 20 pounds (or even more), give this regimen a try. It's simple but it works!

There's no reason you have to be overweight. If you are looking for a fast way to lose weight, join the other (now skinny) people who have discovered this great diet plan that actually works.

For more information click here

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